Thursday, November 1, 2007

Library Thing

Well today I joined 'Library Thing' and selected a few of my favourite books by 'Gerald Durrell' & 'John Wyndham'. I have read (& re-read) most of the books listed on my blog. I find the books written by Gerald Durrell about animals very interesting & funny too at times. When I went to Jersey in 2000 I visted the Jersey Zoological Park that he created & was very passionate about. It was great to actually see the zoo and to be able to relate to the books that he had written. I also saw Mzuri, the gorilla, who used to be at Melbourne Zoo. I was there for his 16th birthday!. He was sent there for breeding purposes & he has been successful. The other author I love is 'John Wyndham' who wrote science fiction.
I'm not sure if I'll use 'Library Thing' but I can see that it is a useful tool for people who want to catalogue their home book collections. Maybe when I get connected to the internet at home, I will end up cataloguing my books!

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