Thursday, December 20, 2007


Well, I'm back!!!
Today I joined Facebook & invited 3 people to be my friends (& surprise, they accepted!). I have had a bit of a look at the site & tried to find someone that I know is on Facebook but have had no luck finding her. I will have to ask for the name of her site so that I can look her up, but that will have to wait until next year.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Still catching up - Digg

I have subscribed to so I am making some progress (slowly). I had a bit of a look at some of the blogs on it but I need more time to better search the site so that I am able to give my opinion about it.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

RSS Feeds

Today I installed a feed reader and subscribed to some blogs about dogs. I am yet to subscribe to library related blogs. In my haste , I didn't read the question properly & got dogs & blogs mixed up!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Library Thing

Well today I joined 'Library Thing' and selected a few of my favourite books by 'Gerald Durrell' & 'John Wyndham'. I have read (& re-read) most of the books listed on my blog. I find the books written by Gerald Durrell about animals very interesting & funny too at times. When I went to Jersey in 2000 I visted the Jersey Zoological Park that he created & was very passionate about. It was great to actually see the zoo and to be able to relate to the books that he had written. I also saw Mzuri, the gorilla, who used to be at Melbourne Zoo. I was there for his 16th birthday!. He was sent there for breeding purposes & he has been successful. The other author I love is 'John Wyndham' who wrote science fiction.
I'm not sure if I'll use 'Library Thing' but I can see that it is a useful tool for people who want to catalogue their home book collections. Maybe when I get connected to the internet at home, I will end up cataloguing my books!

Library Thing

Catching up.

I have been off sick for a couple of weeks so I am now trying to catch up. I've had a look at image generators & had a bit of fun looking at what you can do in some of the sites. I selected a box of chocolates as my image as I would like some right now!

Image generator

Thursday, October 4, 2007

A photo at last!

have finally posted some photos on my blog!! I had a lot of help from Michelle Allen who kindly scanned some of my photos. These are from a memorable holiday I had a few years ago. She also helped me to put them on my blog.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

'23 Things' - still progressing!

Well this week I made a comment on someone's blog & also joined Flickr. I had to ask for help with joining Flickr as I kept getting rejected. Tony came to my rescue & joined me up in about a second. I felt quite stupid & frustrated, however I persevered & joined the 'dog lover's group' but have not posted a photo on it yet as I don't have a camera! I have just looked at the photos & read the comments that have been posted. Also, I have just received an invitation to join another Flickr group so I will do that once I have updated my blog.
Until next week...,

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

'23 Things' - Progressing slowly

Yes I did return from lunch and since then I have selected a new template for my blog. I have also posted a comment on someone's blog. I think I have made a bit of progress. Next time I will hopefully put a photo on my blog.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

23 things

Tried to print out a list of '23 things' but printer only printed up to week 7!!
Going to lunch now; will return another day.