Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I have FINISHED 23 things. Thank goodness it's over. I can now do my usual work & not face as many challenges as I faced with the program. I found it frustrating at times as I needed quite a bit of help to do things as I am not very computer literate. However at least now I know about things like Facebook, MySpace, RSS feeds and Second Life. These are all things that I have heard about on the news or read about in the newspaper. At least now I know what they are, although I can't see any use for them in my work. I may use Google Maps as I found it useful for going to new places.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Second Life

I don't get it!! Why 'create' a second life when your own life is difficult enough at times! It's a bit scary to think that some people are 'obsessed' with their Second Life. I suppose that if you can't get what you want in your own life, in Second Life' you can. (ie a house, husband/wife, kids etc). I was a bit surprised that you have to pay for everything too [just like real life]. Why bother??

I think that there are ways that the library could use 'Second Life' but it would take a computer geek to do it! Maybe a map of the bookshelves with virtual students looking for the dewey numbers on the shelves & a look of surprise when they find what they are looking for!

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Today I listened to some podcasts, including 'coffee break spanish' and Radio National.
I subscribed to RRR and to a couple of their podcasts. The first one I subscribed to is 'plonk' and then I thought I had also better subscribe to 'healthtrip' in case I have overindulged and need a hangover remedy! Once again I needed help with this task. Thanks to Mish & Andrea for their help.